Saturday, 5 June 2010

Silly people

Paul sent me an e-mail about hard boiled eggs. It's one of those forwarded messages which is usually taken with a pinch of salt. In this e-mail, the person said that Cooking hard boiled eggs can be a hassle because you have to jaga api or jaga air.

The method of cooking the eggs without having to worry about it being over or undercooked is shared:
1. Place two pieces of tissue paper inside the rice cooker and sprinkle them with water.
2. Put the eggs in.
3. Close the lid and press the Cook button.
4. Wait for the button to jump up, and turn of the power supply. Do not leave the eggs in the cooker unless you want the yolks to be harder.
5. The eggs are ready.
The message goes on to say that it takes less time than the ordinary cooking method, the shells can be peeled off easily, and the yolk will turn out just nice.

And the best part is- you do not have to do any cleaning or washing at all!

While the idea may be innovative, I do not see the need of it. It's as if boiling eggs are such a hassle, you need to find a simpler way of doing it. I just put the eggs in a pot, cover it with water, boil it over a big flame for fifteen minutes, and tutup api once the timer goes off. I have no idea why the person said that we need to jaga air or jaga api. And about the yolk turning out nice, the yolks in the picture do not look all that mouth-watering.

And the best part is- you do not have to do any cleaning or washing at all. And why wouldn't you wash the rice cooker after using it? In Bristol, I was so shocked to learn that the guys (Paul and his housemate) do not always wash the the rice cooker lid after every use. It was so berkerak. *Shudder*
Or maybe it's just me being anal retentive.

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