Wednesday, 26 May 2010


While completing a biological lab report on The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Sleepiness, Sustained Alertness, and Mood, I suffered from lack of sleep. Oh the irony!

But now that it's done and submitted, I can't just relax and fly kites. Because there's an Investments assignment due next Friday, which is just a week before my first exam paper, it's making me all stressed up and panicky, I feel like crying when I'm driving home from uni, because there's just so much to be done when I get home. There goes my afternoons sleeping in. But how can I start on my work if would not even load. I do not like Investopedia. I lost money after managing my portfolio for ten weeks.

So I have been studying psychology for one and a half years now, and many people have such a huge misconception on what psychology is.
Upon hearing that I'm studying psychology, they'll go: Oh so now you can read people's minds la? What do you think I am, a telepathist?
This response is even better: So now you can psycho people la. Excuse me, what does that even mean?

Ahhhhhh all this work is making me go crazy! And angry!

By the way, psychology is the science of mind and behaviour (Passer & Smith, 2009).

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