Sunday, 2 May 2010

Skipping in ballet flats.

2. Always be calm and retain your composure. Even when you are faced with someone you completely loathe. Do not start screaming and chasing that person with a cleaver, that is not what a lady would do. Rather, keep your head high and be civil. It is not necessary to make small talk with that person, although that person may talk to you. Offer a fake smile if you have to, and flash those perfect teeth you have.

Case in point: Boy from my Financial Management class last year refers to me as Anna, or even Aeng(Yes the pronunciation is so weird, I wonder how he even came up with it) when he talks to Szehui.
One day, he says to me: So Anna, will you be going for Dance Upon a Time? Szehui corrected him and said: Her name is Anne. And then he says to me: So do you want me to call you Anna or Anne?

*Rolls eyes*
Call me by my name Anne, please thank you.
*Big smile*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Avatar: the Legend of Aang.
must watch Anne must watch!